define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true); December 2010 Archives | $30 Date Night
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Archive for December, 2010

Is Your Partner Snooping On You?

Is Your Partner Snooping On You?

It’s a moment I’m not proud of: Rewind a few boyfriends back and I find myself standing in the lounge of our shared apartment as he’s taking a shower, frantically scrolling through text messages on his phone. I feel terrible guilt at doing this… until I find exactly what I’m looking for. Very incriminating text [...]

Tips for Working Together as a Couple

Tips for Working Together as a Couple

I have a confession to make. You’d think, being someone that makes it their business to write about relationships, that I’d have my shit together when it comes to my own relationship. Not so much. All the theory and knowledge in the world about a subject doesn’t trump the complexity of emotions. The truth is, [...]

mX Column: Couples Who Argue in Public

mX Column: Couples Who Argue in Public

There are few things more uncomfortable than watching a couple air their domestic disputes in public. Whether it’s tears on a street corner or all-out yelling in front of friends, no one wants to be the bystander in what is undoubtedly the messiest of all fights. Years of history and complicated emotions go into a [...]

mX Column: The ‘We’ Couple

I wrote just recently about how people lose, on average, two good friends once they fall in love. One of the theories about ditching those friends goes that once you’re in a relationship, you probably don’t have enough time to spend with your friends to maintain close bonds. You know what really gets my proverbial [...]

mX Column: Do You Play Together Anymore?

mX Column: Do You Play Together Anymore?

It was Her Holiness, Carrie Bradshaw that first introduced the world to the concept of Secret Single Behaviour. Those little rituals we all have in the privacy of our house – Charlotte would check her pores for an hour in a magnified mirror, while Carrie stacks grape jelly and crackers while reading Vogue and standing [...]