define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true);
Oh dear. I can tell there will be tears when it comes to this movie. I’ve long been obsessed with memories. I’m fascinated by how subjective and slippery they are – how we never really know what actually happened, we just have to trust in our brains to feed us the right information. Even when [...]
Learn a little more about Emma and Denis, the creators of $30DN. How $30DN first started and why they’re so cheap! Included are photos and the first designs Denis created of the $30 Date Night Generator.
Forget the apocalypse, if we keep modelling our relationships on celebrity marriages and chasing sky-high Hollywood rom-com expectations, we’re all doomed.
Its vacation time for Emma and me; we’ve survived the New Year festivities and are relaxing our way through a sunny beach-side Queensland holiday… The ocean is warm, the sand is gloriously soft and I’m feeling as frisky as a squid on Tuesday. Needless to say sex on the beach was a high priority on this beach-side vacation.
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