define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true); April 2012 Archives | $30 Date Night
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Archive for April, 2012

Oyster Hour at Mezzo Bar

Oyster Hour at Mezzo Bar

Pro: Mezzo Bar / Mid April (Australian Fall) Picturesque = a wonderful space, outside, summer breeze yet leaves falling in the top end of little bourke street, Melbourne of course.

Con: The date lasted approximately 45minutes – because we only spent $30!

Are the Days of First Dates Over?

Are the Days of First Dates Over?

For all the pressure put on the occasion, first dates are never a good indicator of the raging success of a relationship. There are so many rules surrounding this most daunting of dating customs. We’re told we must stand out from the crowd – choose a unique venue, say the right things, wear the right [...]

We Did It! The Worst Date Idea Ever.

We Did It! The Worst Date Idea Ever.

It was the date night that was never supposed to happen.

The Worst One Ever, in fact, as voted by users of $30 Date Night.

It was regular user Ming who submitted, a few years back, the date night idea of Cutting Each Other’s Hair. It’s clocked only 1.5 stars on our 5 star rating system, from a total of 474 votes (and counting).