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Pro: Mezzo Bar / Mid April (Australian Fall) Picturesque = a wonderful space, outside, summer breeze yet leaves falling in the top end of little bourke street, Melbourne of course.
Con: The date lasted approximately 45minutes – because we only spent $30!
For all the pressure put on the occasion, first dates are never a good indicator of the raging success of a relationship. There are so many rules surrounding this most daunting of dating customs. We’re told we must stand out from the crowd – choose a unique venue, say the right things, wear the right [...]
It was the date night that was never supposed to happen.
The Worst One Ever, in fact, as voted by users of $30 Date Night.
It was regular user Ming who submitted, a few years back, the date night idea of Cutting Each Other’s Hair. It’s clocked only 1.5 stars on our 5 star rating system, from a total of 474 votes (and counting).
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