define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true); May 2012 Archives | $30 Date Night
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Archive for May, 2012

The Male Contraceptive Pill Breakthrough

The Male Contraceptive Pill Breakthrough

A scientific breakthrough involving sterile mice made news this week, and could mean that we will see a commercially-developed Male Contraceptive Pill on our shelves within five years. The initial buzz hitting the internet seemed to indicate that women are generally happy with this new development – there were lots of comments about men “finally [...]

When the Eiffel Tower is Just Too Small

My friend M was dating a perplexing girl for awhile. They’d go to dinner, and as soon as they were seated at their table, she’d disappear. The vanishing act would continue all night – right after entrée, again after main and then once dessert had finished. She’d be gone for fifteen minutes at a time, [...]

Fifty Shades of What Women Want

Fifty Shades of What Women Want

Take a careful look at that woman on the train engrossed in her e-reader. Is there a small, satisfied smile on her face? Is she shifting uncomfortably in her seat… looking a little hot under the collar, perhaps? If she is, it’s entirely possible that she’s up to something that she doesn’t want you to [...]

Date Review: Huxtaburger

Date Review: Huxtaburger

Huxtaburger has been the name on every Melburnian foodie’s lips lately.

Devotees of the new burger joint are effusive – Instagram-washed arty pictures of burgers are plastered all over my Facebook stream (and I’ve added a few here for your own viewing pleasure).

I myself had but a tiny taste on my way into the adjacent Bill’s Bar on opening night, ducking back out to the fluorescent-lit grill for a teeny-tiny Rudy burger