define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true); April 2013 Archives | $30 Date Night
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Archive for April, 2013

9 Wonderful Date Ideas Beginning with W

9 Wonderful Date Ideas Beginning with W

Wonderful date ideas that start with the letter W. These posts are specifically created as inspiration for our daters who are taking on the ABC Dating challenge, but really it’s just a list of damn good date ideas.

9 Vivacious Date Ideas Beginning with V

9 Vivacious Date Ideas Beginning with V

Date Night is about getting creative. Take a look at these 9 date ideas starting with V!

Bending The Rules

It may not be politically correct of me (and it won’t make me popular), but you should know that I’m a Rules girl. If you’re not familiar with the popular but exceedingly sneered-upon franchise, The Rules has alternately been called a Dating Bible for single women

6 Date Ideas Beginning with U

6 Date Ideas Beginning with U

U is one of those tricky letters you have to be a bit clever with! Here are six date ideas I could muster up to get you thinking. We’d love to hear yours! USA Cuisine Classic American-style diners aren’t everywhere here in Australia. So it’s a novelty when you find one – usually still stuck [...]

10 Terrific Date Ideas Beginning with T

10 Terrific Date Ideas Beginning with T

Ten Pin Bowling Oooh, it’s an oldie but a goodie. This is the very first date Den and I went on when we kicked off $30 Date Night. Sure, it’s cheesy. Sure, the shoes are ugly. But you know what? It’s a heap of fun, it gets you active, you can pig out on fries [...]

The Secret to Desire in a Long-Term Relationship

The Secret to Desire in a Long-Term Relationship

I just stumbled on this TED Talk last night and had to share it. I have nothing to add really, just the below text from the TED website and the talk itself. Grab a coffee and sit to watch. It’s well worth it. “In long-term relationships, we often expect our beloved to be both best [...]

Why Pick Up Lines Don’t Work

Why Pick Up Lines Don’t Work

My last few weekends have been spent on many a dancefloor at many a club, burning up the kind of energy usually reserved for singles on the prowl. It’s not often you find a married, with-a-mortgage female out dancing until 4am on a chilly night when DVDs and the couch are putting up a damn [...]

Are You Kind of a Jerk to Your Partner?

Time has a way of eroding relationships, doesn’t it? What often starts full of promise, love and joy can easily turn to resentment, frustration and bitter words after a few years together. Suddenly it is not enough just to be around them, as it once was. Little things they say or do start to drive [...]

Why First Loves are Special

Why First Loves are Special

There was once a simpler time, not so long ago, when the past would stay happily and anonymously where it belonged: far behind you. Exes, one night stands, bad mistakes… you used to be able to quickly forget them, change a routine or two (avoid the café your ex loves for breakfast, ditch the nightclub [...]