define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true); July 2013 Archives | $30 Date Night
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Archive for July, 2013

Should Girls Ask Guys Out?

Should Girls Ask Guys Out?

Equality between the sexes has come a long way. But even after decades of increasingly fairer pay, job roles, rights and more, we’re still stuck on one area in particular… Love. The big question is: should girls ask guys out? As a woman, I think I can safely speak for a vast majority when I [...]

Do You Need a Sex Date?

Do You Need a Sex Date?

There’s no doubt that sex is a great cure for what ails you. Even the medical science boffins will attest to that. Sex is reputed to fix everything from high stress levels to blood pressure, to boosting immunity, increasing self-confidence, helping lose weight and of course, giving you that hard-to-replicate glow we all covet. But [...]

How Big Is Your “Too Hard” Basket?

I used this speech earlier this week on a new candidate that had applied for a job with Merkas Health (a massage business I own). She was given the role and then declined after the first day of training. There’s something great about her I know it, but I could tell she was lacking confidence [...]

Burlesque Bar Date Night

Burlesque Bar Date Night

If there’s one thing I now know about Burlesque Bar, it’s that you will probably get what you least expect. Burlesque has long been a bourgeoning scene in Melbourne. I love me a bit of glitter and pasties – this was not my first burlesque show. The history and glamour of the genre just enchants me, and the ballsy women that put themselves up on that stage night after night to titillate, shock and tease (in more ways than one) their audience are just amazing.