define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true); Emma | $30 Date Night
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Emma has written 318 posts for $30 Date Night

It All Started With a Massage…

I still remember the first massage Denis gave me. We were good friends at the time. Sure, we’d flirted a little but nothing more. “I’m writing a couples massage course,” he told me. “I need someone to try these techniques out on.” What a line, right? Certainly more appealing than: “Do you want to come [...]

Why You Should Make Out. Like, Now.

I don’t know about you, but I love to kiss. I could happily make out for hours and hours – though, it’s been years since that happened. We just don’t kiss enough as we get older. Remember the hot and heavy sessions you had as a teenager? Too naïve to go any further, you’d simply [...]

Grand Designs Live: $30 Date Night Deal

We said we’d never renovate. Who the hell were we kidding? Years ago, when Den and I were ensconced in our cozy, new high rise CBD apartment (renting, of course) we saw friends who had bought their own places going through renovation hell. The arguments, the fatigue, the dust… We, we smugly affirmed to each [...]

Can You Be in Love With Two People at Once?

“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…” Forget Browning and all her permutations of love. What about counting the amount of people you can love all at once? Whatever number that is, surely it can’t take more than the fingers on one hand to sum them up (?). Is it possible to [...]

The Three Stages of Love: A Transcript

This is an adapted copy of a speech I gave the other night at my Toastmasters club on the three stages of love. How do you measure love? It’s a tough question, isn’t it? Love is not something you can see, something you can pin down. Love and science aren’t two things we see in [...]

Listen: The Bash Radio Show

If you missed it, last Thursday night I did a segment on The Bash Radio Show on North West FM with host/actor/man about town extraordinaire James Liotta, talking all about first dates. Specifically… Are first dates dead? What should one do on a first date? What should one not do on a first date? Do [...]

Want to be Happier? Try This Today

Looking for a happiness boost? I just had to share this video. First, watch. Then let’s talk about how we can apply this to our own relationships. Isn’t that beautiful? Being grateful for things we already have is free. But it’s something we often forget to do in our everyday lives. If you could do [...]

3 Easy Solutions to Common Relationship Problems

Every relationship has obstacles to overcome. Some of them can be easily solved while others have a tendency to niggle. And niggle. And niggle. The relationship website eHarmony Australia knows a thing or two about what makes relationships work, having brought together many compatible singles over the years, and the below is some advice for [...]

“You’re my wife? Holy sh*t! I hit the jackpot!”

This is absolute gold! It’s like a grown up version of David after Dentist. Jason Mortensen is waking up from an operation and due to heavy sedation, he doesn’t recognise his gorgeous wife who is standing right in front of him videoing the whole thing. At first, he thinks she’s a nurse sent by the [...]

A Double Date Night at Hanoi Hannah

We have been meaning to eat at Hanoi Hannah for ages, but the waits are always long and to be honest, we just haven’t gotten around to it. But when our awesome friends Cheryl and Tim suggested it for a double lunch date one day, I was on board immediately!

20 Beautiful, Inspiring Relationship Quotes

One of my most fervent loves is language… I love to read, I love seeing words arranged in beautiful sequences, written so perfectly that they make your heart skip a beat. After years of seeing tacky, cheesy and downright soppy relationship quotes, I thought it was well overdue that I put together a collection of [...]

Porn Sex vs Real Sex: The Viral Vegetable Video

Porn sex versus real sex, as explained with vegetables. There’s a reason this video is going viral. Every single person who’s had sex, or even just thought about having sex needs to watch this. Things are never quite as they seem when it comes to the magic of movies. Especially if they’re porn movies.

Should Girls Ask Guys Out?

Equality between the sexes has come a long way. But even after decades of increasingly fairer pay, job roles, rights and more, we’re still stuck on one area in particular… Love. The big question is: should girls ask guys out? As a woman, I think I can safely speak for a vast majority when I [...]

Do You Need a Sex Date?

There’s no doubt that sex is a great cure for what ails you. Even the medical science boffins will attest to that. Sex is reputed to fix everything from high stress levels to blood pressure, to boosting immunity, increasing self-confidence, helping lose weight and of course, giving you that hard-to-replicate glow we all covet. But [...]

Burlesque Bar Date Night

If there’s one thing I now know about Burlesque Bar, it’s that you will probably get what you least expect. Burlesque has long been a bourgeoning scene in Melbourne. I love me a bit of glitter and pasties – this was not my first burlesque show. The history and glamour of the genre just enchants me, and the ballsy women that put themselves up on that stage night after night to titillate, shock and tease (in more ways than one) their audience are just amazing.

We Don’t Want Your Money, Just Your Kisses!

I LOVE this. Metro St James Cafe in Sydney is giving away free coffee in the month of June, all in the name of love. Couples can pay for their morning coffees simply by kissing in this charming French cafe. The kiss must be real. In the clip, this waiter warns one couple that he [...]

Does This Sound Familiar?

It’s the essence of all female/male arguments… it’s not about the nail! The newest viral video to hit the web.

3 Date Ideas Beginning with Z

Omigosh guys… You made it! Congratulations, really. If you have done an entire alphabet worth of date ideas with your partner, you are amazing. Stop and give each other a literal pat on the back, or maybe a fist bump: Without further ado, I present to you the last letter of the date night alphabet… [...]

3 Date Ideas Beginning with Y

You’re nearly there, daters! How exciting! This letter doesn’t yield (ha) many great ideas, though we’d love to hear any you might have to add. Here are 3 Date Ideas Beginning with the letter Y for you to use in your ABC Dating Challenge. Yoga There are so many different types of yoga you can [...]

Couples Photography Session: Date Night Review

We went on the most beautiful date recently.

It was an afternoon spent at one of our favourite places – the Fairfield Boathouse. We got dressed up, we took out a rowboat, we walked memory lane… and we just happened to have a photographer with us too to capture all the fun!

3 Sexy Date Ideas Beginning with X

Oooh X and its crafty ways. There aren’t a lot of date ideas you can shoehorn into this letter but you can get creative with these letters that don’t give you much. And if anyone else has some genius ideas, we’d love to hear them!

Ghost Tour Date Night

You know what terrifies me? Ghosts. And aliens. And zombies. Zombies are our most real threat, what with the impending Zombie Apocalypse and all. But because I am an amazing wife, you know what I organised for date night recently?

A ghost tour. Because I knew Den would love it.

9 Wonderful Date Ideas Beginning with W

Wonderful date ideas that start with the letter W. These posts are specifically created as inspiration for our daters who are taking on the ABC Dating challenge, but really it’s just a list of damn good date ideas.

9 Vivacious Date Ideas Beginning with V

Date Night is about getting creative. Take a look at these 9 date ideas starting with V!

Bending The Rules

It may not be politically correct of me (and it won’t make me popular), but you should know that I’m a Rules girl. If you’re not familiar with the popular but exceedingly sneered-upon franchise, The Rules has alternately been called a Dating Bible for single women

6 Date Ideas Beginning with U

U is one of those tricky letters you have to be a bit clever with! Here are six date ideas I could muster up to get you thinking. We’d love to hear yours! USA Cuisine Classic American-style diners aren’t everywhere here in Australia. So it’s a novelty when you find one – usually still stuck [...]

10 Terrific Date Ideas Beginning with T

Ten Pin Bowling Oooh, it’s an oldie but a goodie. This is the very first date Den and I went on when we kicked off $30 Date Night. Sure, it’s cheesy. Sure, the shoes are ugly. But you know what? It’s a heap of fun, it gets you active, you can pig out on fries [...]

The Secret to Desire in a Long-Term Relationship

I just stumbled on this TED Talk last night and had to share it. I have nothing to add really, just the below text from the TED website and the talk itself. Grab a coffee and sit to watch. It’s well worth it. “In long-term relationships, we often expect our beloved to be both best [...]

Why Pick Up Lines Don’t Work

My last few weekends have been spent on many a dancefloor at many a club, burning up the kind of energy usually reserved for singles on the prowl. It’s not often you find a married, with-a-mortgage female out dancing until 4am on a chilly night when DVDs and the couch are putting up a damn [...]

Are You Kind of a Jerk to Your Partner?

Time has a way of eroding relationships, doesn’t it? What often starts full of promise, love and joy can easily turn to resentment, frustration and bitter words after a few years together. Suddenly it is not enough just to be around them, as it once was. Little things they say or do start to drive [...]

Why First Loves are Special

There was once a simpler time, not so long ago, when the past would stay happily and anonymously where it belonged: far behind you. Exes, one night stands, bad mistakes… you used to be able to quickly forget them, change a routine or two (avoid the café your ex loves for breakfast, ditch the nightclub [...]

Regrets of Relationships Past

I read a quote once that said: “Regret is insight that comes a day too late.” Love brings us great joy but can also be our biggest source of disappointment and regret. Almost everyone has some sort of regrets of relationships past. There’s the girl you were too scared to ask out in high school, [...]

When You Don’t Want to Pick Up at Bars

It had an epiphany last week on a dancefloor. Somewhere between Like a Prayer and Summer Rain (it was 80s night), I finally realised with absolute clarity that clubs and bars are far from the optimal situation for meeting new people. For a start, most people are fall-down wasted after a few too many Sambuca [...]

A Beautiful Love Story

I love a great love story. And this is definitely a beautiful one. I’m not going to say much about it – just watch. Perhaps be prepared for tears.

Ideas: Valentine’s Day on a Budget

I love Valentine’s Day. I love it because the way Den and I celebrate it resonates perfectly with who we are. We don’t make a big deal and spend hundreds of dollars on the one night of the year every other couple is out as well. There’s no pressure for fancy restaurants or armfuls of [...]

Nostalgic Songs from Relationships Past

I was driving along today when a song I haven’t heard in years came on the radio. Instantly, I was 13 years old again and listening to my boyfriend (my first ever boyfriend) play this for me on the piano. He had learned it specially because it was “our” song. While ‘I love you always [...]

New Year Resolutions Goals

Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s 2013? Crazy. I love the new year, though. A fresh start and new hopes. I always like to start the new year on a good note, so the house gets cleaned and I make sure to do something meaningful on New Year’s Day that’s a reflection of how [...]

The Break Up We Have to Have

Well guys, this is kind of awkward. I wish I could do it in person and face-to-face, rather than sending you a memo like this. I think every break up deserves that at least. So, I’m sorry to take the coward’s way out. But I’ve always been better at organising my thoughts on paper anyway. [...]

Merry Christmas, Lovebirds!

To all our date night lovebirds, Den and I are wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Have a safe and happy holiday. We’re looking forward to big new things in 2013!

10 Topics to Avoid on a First Date

This is a sponsored post from the dating experts at If there’s one thing we all fear when preparing for a first date, it’s the dreaded awkward silence. It’s something we have all experienced before, that tense moment when you bring up a topic that’s always best left untouched. However, the good news is [...]

How to Make Your Relationship Last

Space and time for yourself is, ironically, the key to a happy relationship. The news comes off the back of a long-term study undertaken by a group of love-focussed professors. The Early Years of Marriage Project has been following the lives of the same 373 couples for 25 years, the researchers have extracted gems of [...]

How to Chat Up Women Right

Women may well recognise this little scenario. You’re standing in a bar with a girlfriend. (Perhaps slightly intoxicated) man enters, stage left. “Hi. How are you ladies?” We’re good, thanks. “Having a good night?” Yes, it’s great. The questions just keep coming, fired off in quick succession with little regard for the answers or any [...]

Comedy @ Spleen Date Night Review

What to do on a mundane Monday when you have a date scheduled?

Den and I have been struggling to find time to date each other lately. The only slot we could fit in for the last few weeks was a Monday night – hardly a party time. We’d spent a fair bit of time working and socialising together, so it wasn’t like we hadn’t seen each other… which of course means there’s not much to say when you get to date each other finally.

You Sent Me What? (Why Dick Pics Are Not Okay)

It happened to a girlfriend just recently: what started as some flirty text messages between her and a new guy somehow culminated in him sending – completely unprompted – a photo of his erect penis. You might be shocked at that, but the truth is she’s not the only one lately to cop an unexpected [...]

The Number 96: A Surprisingly Awesome Date

In Melbourne, we have trams. In the US, you call them cable cars and San Francisco is also famous for them. They’re an awesome form of transport, actually. Super convenient for going where no train has gone before, and while they’re not exactly fast, they beat the hell out of taking the bus.

10 Sensational Date Ideas Beginning with S

S is such an easy letter in Alphabet Dating. There are so many super things to do that start with ‘S’ that I thought I should give you a bumper edition of date night ideas here. From the sexy to the romantic to the just plain good fun, here are my top ten date ideas [...]

Is 50 Shades of Grey Just the Same as Porn?

I’m sure I’m not the only person in town who’s purchased a copy of 50 Shades of Grey for a friend. Women everywhere are reading it, egged on by converted enthusiasts who are lending, gifting and impressing the book upon all their friends. I had a copy gift wrapped for a mum of two young [...]

Schooled. Schnitzel Night Take Two.

After the Great Parma Disaster Date of 2012, I decided that rather than just bitching and moaning to Denis about exactly how he should show a lady a good time I would instead take it upon myself to execute the same date, done completely differently to prove to him that there are date nights and then there are great date nights.

Like Poison for Relationships…

Contempt. You’ve seen it on people’s faces before: curled lip, chin raised up, a sneer… maybe an eye roll. Think Sophie Mirabella during a medical emergency. It’s an uncomfortable thing to be in the same room with. But what’s really awful is when you see someone look at their partner that way. I talked last [...]

Not Your Typical Date Night: Donating Blood

The Australian Red Cross is in crisis. When I first decided to do this date, they had less than three days supply of blood left in their banks.

I have been meaning to book this date in for awhile now, ever since someone suggested it over on the $30 Date Night Generator. It is a free date idea, obviously, and afterwards you get the warm fuzzy feeling you can only get from donating to a worthy cause.