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I love Valentine’s Day. I love it because the way Den and I celebrate it resonates perfectly with who we are. We don’t make a big deal and spend hundreds of dollars on the one night of the year every other couple is out as well. There’s no pressure for fancy restaurants or armfuls of [...]
No doubt about it, San Francisco is a massive city! Even still, Nick’s Crispy Tacos is no secret to the Bay Area. Located near the corner of Polk St & Broadway in Nob Hill – this place was packed, and for good reason too. Davide, a good friend of mine and a San Fran local chaperoned me as I have left the beautiful wife back in Australia to look after our massage business back home.
Includes Video! The row boat date idea on Central Park Lake – New York. Inside you’ll get tips on how to make your row boat date idea fun. The vid makes some reference to Emma’s karaoke performance in Vegas – I’ve sworn never to show it, but I’ve still got it. Make sure you comment and let her know how much you want to see it!
Okay this is one of those ones where we draw a few long bows and you tolerate it happily… and if you have any great N date ideas then hand ‘em over! We desperately need some! Night Walks I remember when I was little we went with my Girl Guide troupe on a night walk [...]
I loved our J date idea. It was a horrible, cold, rainy Melbourne afternoon – no one would want to be outside in that. Luckily, we were prepared and snuggled in our warm apartment with a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle that I picked up from the supermarket for $3.99…
Ooh – we knew there’d be some sticky letters on this Alphabet Dating business of ours… but I didn’t expect one so soon! And to be honest, I was hoping Den would get stuck with them. X, for example, will be a killer. O might be a bit difficult. But they’re weeks away yet. Let’s [...]
And so our alphabet dating streak continues. C, for us, is for Comedy Festival which was a wonderfully spontaneous date we decided to go on last night. What I love about the Melbourne Comedy Festival is that they run a box office from the Town Hall that you can walk into at any point during [...]
C is for Casino Ever played roulette? No? Perfect. Set a budget for your date night (it’s no secret we like ye olde faithful $30 limit) and head to a low-betting table at a casino to learn the ways of roulette and (hopefully!) win some money. If you pick a table where there are no [...]
You may have caught yesterday’s post on ABC Dating – we’re going to spend the next six months working our way through a dating alphabet. This has a few benefits – we make sure we’re doing something different every time we go on a date and we also introduce a little more structure into the [...]
Well, we felt we needed even more structure than usual this year – and to be honest, a new dating challenge. When we have SO MANY date ideas to choose from on our little date night generator, it can get a bit hard to decide what to do next. The ABC Dating trend has been [...]
I have to confess, ever since Christmas hit Den and I have been kind of… slack when it comes to date night. It’s been a blur of road trips, holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, partying… summer nights at rooftop bars… bad, bad date night couple. We’ve waned from our usual Wednesday night date night, which means some [...]
Den and I try and do a date night every week together. The catch is, we try and do something new together every time… keeps us interesting! I’ve rounded up a list of all the date night reviews we’ve done since starting this blog – and had great fun reminiscing back in the process! Click [...]
So, we finally stopped procrastinating and we did it! Worst Date #4…. The Nudist Beach. This was so-called the “Worst Date” because over on our date ideas website, it has one of the worst ratings in our user voting system. Fair enough too, the thought of it is pretty intimidating! After putting it off for [...]
This great, inspirational dating idea was submitted by Kirsty, one of our users over at $30 Date Night – I thought we should share it with you here! “Combine all your favourite date ideas and put them in a box! My partner and I have created the ‘Mystery Date Box’ – Each fortnight we pull [...]
Well, we were thrilled to see this headline in The Age newspaper today: “The Secret to Hugh Jackman’s Happy Marriage” The Age reports: “Hugh Jackman has a happy marriage because he has date nights. The X-Men Origins: Wolverine star – who has been married to Deborra-Lee Furness since 1996 – has revealed he and his [...]
With Den away all week, I’ve had plenty of time to be alone, indulge in all that Secret Single behavior without having to lock doors and such… last night, I even took MYSELF on a date night. Alone. I was watching the lovely Mia Freedman and a panel of mothers on 9am yesterday morning talking [...]
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