define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true); Man Cold | $30 Date Night
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Man Cold

This tag is associated with 1 posts

Man-Colds Proven to Exist!

Man-colds do exist! I knew it! I’ve been saying it all along. Says the Daily Mail in London: “Half of men will upgrade a common cold to flu and describe headaches as a migraine to gain maximum sympathy. They will also moan more than women when suffering a bug or virus. This is despite the [...]

Man Cold Syndrome (aka, poor Den)

Emma believes that when I am sick I suffer from Man Cold Syndrome… WTF? Friday, I busted my leg in judo class. I don’t think it’s broken, but it’s not a happy leg – there is definitely damage to the medial ligament of the knee and something funky is going on at the lateral side [...]