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We went on the most beautiful date recently.
It was an afternoon spent at one of our favourite places – the Fairfield Boathouse. We got dressed up, we took out a rowboat, we walked memory lane… and we just happened to have a photographer with us too to capture all the fun!
I love Valentine’s Day. I love it because the way Den and I celebrate it resonates perfectly with who we are. We don’t make a big deal and spend hundreds of dollars on the one night of the year every other couple is out as well. There’s no pressure for fancy restaurants or armfuls of [...]
The commercialism of Valentine’s Day seems to be grating on everyone’s nerves this year. And it’s not just singles that are hating Valentine’s Day. Couples everywhere that I speak to are vehement. “Bloody Hallmark”… “Overpriced Flowers”… “Don’t tell me when to be romantic towards my wife” You know what everyone? Get over it. It’s VALENTINE’S [...]
This deliciously decadent guest post comes to you from the divine Jess Pryles of Sugadeaux Cupcakes. You can find her on Twitter @sugadeaux or visit her mouthwatering website here… While we’re all still shaking off the winter blues, sometimes a great date can be spent as a night in. With chocolate. And cake. How can [...]
Swoon. Candlelight, soft music, long-stemmed roses and tummy-butterflies… every couple needs romance in their lives at some point. Not all of our date ideas at are the most romantic (some are fun, some are silly and some are downright cheesy!) but the ones that ramp up the romance factor ALWAYS seem to be appreciated… [...]
Our next door neighbor thinks our date ideas are hysterical – and regularly teases that we tend to take boring ideas and add ‘do naked!’ to make them a bit more exciting. It’s true. We do. And so especially for Gath, I bring you ten great date ideas that you can do naked! Best of [...]
See the first official trailer from The Time Traveler’s Wife after the jump! (Cue girly squealing!)
We had a special date night this week; Den was given tickets to Cirque Du Soleil for his birthday. Some of you might think that a night at the Circus doesn’t really fall into our $30 budget…. But we figure if they were a present, then we still have our budget to spend on popcorn [...]
This date night was brilliant!!! And spot on the money too! $15 each entry… BUT THE GOOD! It’s hot, damn hot. And sooooo so so good on a freezing cold night. You get to splash around in the outdoors, under the stars with plenty of greenery around you. It’s perfect for winter… when it [...]
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